Gameplay and plans

Changes ever since the first version of the game:

  1. Player, Bullet and Enemy  graphics have been updated, not final
  2. Player preview Graphics have been updated
  3. Bullets, Missles and Slash Bullet types implemented
  4. Result Screen has been implemented, BG changes based on player selected.
  5. Fool, Magician, Hierophant and World characters are selectable.
  6. Level now uses tile based graphics which will be updated in the near future.
  7. Result Screen will take your performance in the level  to assign you a grade (S,A,B,C,D,E,F,P)
  8. Biography page has been added accessable from main page.
  9. Level Difficulty added, changing enemy placement.

Future Plans (Short Term):

  1. Creating a first Level properly instead of a Test Level.
  2. Tutorial Level to be a seperate level selectable from the Title Screen.
  3. Fourth (Lovers) character to be selectable and playable.
  4. Save File for Progress retention

Files Play in browser
Oct 23, 2024

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